Facilitate flawless onboarding and offboarding of employees in your organization. Record progress meetings easily, conveniently and centrally. Manage employee certificates and diplomas in one central location.

Praktische HR tools

In organisaties speelt van alles rond medewerkers, die je belangrijkste bedrijfskapitaal vertegenwoordigen. Met de praktische HR tools in je ISO2HANDLE platform ga je zorgvuldig met dat kapitaal om. Leg voortgangsgesprekken vast en registreer opleidingen en cursussen. Regel de uitgifte en inname van arbeidsmiddelen en persoonlijke beschermingsmiddelen. Creëer eenvoudig een autorisatiematrix en een certificatenregister.
Registreer per medewerker de opleidingsplanning en de gerealiseerde opleidingen en diploma's.
In je ISO2HANDLE platform leg je vast welke medewerker toegang heeft tot welke functies en welke informatie.
Gebruik je systeem voor de registratie, uitgifte en inname van arbeidsmiddelen en persoonlijke beschermingsmiddelen.
Registreer in je platform welke medewerker of welke certificaten en vakdiploma's beschikt.


Misschien heb je wel eens (of vaker) een eerste werkdag meegemaakt, waarbij je komst een verrassing leek. Niks geregeld. Geen werkplek, geen computer, geen telefoon, geen bedrijfskleding, geen beschermingsmiddelen, geen handboek of huisregels. Niks.

Dit is heel goed te voorkomen door onboarding te structureren met je ISO2HANDLE platform. Door het opvoeren van een nieuwe medewerkers worden automatisch workflows in gang gezet, die ervoor zorgen dat elke nieuwe medewerker het welkom krijgt dat hij of zij verdient.

Effectief HR management

Moeten je medewerkers gecertificeerd zijn om bepaalde opdrachten te mogen uitvoeren? Dan kan het uitermate zinvol zijn omeen certificatenregister aan te leggen.

Dat register geeft bijvoorbeeld het antwoord op de vraag of een bepaalde opdracht op een bepaald moment kan worden gepland. Dat gaat namelijk alleen als je gekwalificeerde en gecertificeerde medewerkers beschikbaar hebt. Zonder informatie over kwalificaties van je medewerkers kun je ze moeilijk inplannen.

What else can you do?

Everything is available by default. Just grab what you can use.
Monitor all your complaints, deviations, improvement proposals, near misses, incidents and accidents from a single reporting center. The analysis and follow-up are of course automated. End of manual work!
Customer Satisfaction
Customer Satisfaction
Measure your customer satisfaction in real-time and share that information with your colleagues. Analyze your data to gain insight into causes of (dis)satisfaction. Relate your measurements to specific KPIs. Learn and improve with customer insights.
Risk assessment and evaluation
Risk assessment and evaluation
Make a complete and thorough Risk assessment and evaluation (RI&E). You are obliged to do it in most cases, and our RI&E makes it easy for you. You can easily record all the questions you need to address and also the follow-up.
Use the complete set of SCC tools to work SCC-compliant. Easily organize your start work interviews, toolboxes and workplace inspections. Plan and record all necessary activities and their follow-up in no time.
Group hazardous materials information, your environmental aspects register, your waste registrations and your safety data sheets in one central location. Share that information with all stakeholders inside and outside your organization.
Risk Management
Risk Management
Map, analyze and visualize risks. Link management actions to each individual risk. See how risks evolve over time. Gain insight into the effect of measures and effectively get a grip on risk management.
Consultation module
Consultation module
Structure your consultation planning with this handy feature. Take minutes and record decisions and actions. Forget all those wandering action lists and Word and Excel documents on the G drive. The consultation module gives you more control.
Facilitate flawless onboarding and offboarding of employees in your organization. Record progress meetings easily, conveniently and centrally. Manage employee certificates and diplomas in one central location.
Resource Management
Resource Management
Ensure tight management of the issuance and intake of assets to your employees. Create schedules for inspection, calibration and maintenance of your assets. Make manuals available to stakeholders.
Information Security
Information Security
Easily link your controls of the ISO27001 standard to your risks. Use this tool for overview and insight into the status and follow-up of measures. This component is also suitable for managing NIS2 and NEN7510.
Create overview in your audit planning. Use this tool to conduct internal audits for any standard you wish. Keep a firm grip on action points that result. Also record external audits and monitor all additional actions for follow-up.
Organize major and minor changes in your business with structured continuity management. Do an impact analysis and determine what measures are needed to prevent unnecessary risks. Create an MOC or change proposal.

Why choose ISO2HANDLE?

We make fine software that really helps quality managers move forward. That's true. But besides software makers, we are also people. Involved with our customers and always willing to think and help. That is also what we read in the positive reviews on Google. Great people, great support!
Schedule a demo
A user-friendly system that anyone can get along with.
Best price/quality
A powerful, complete and versatile system at a very attractive price.
Fantastic support
The best support you could want. We do this together with you!
Vertical sectors
Transportation & Logistics
Construction & Installation

Our reason why

Why we do what we do.
Marc Abbink
Founder at ISO2HANDLE
We like to help our customers move forward.
We feel committed to every customer, who presents on our platform. After more than 750 onboardings, we also have a pretty good idea of how to help customers move forward. And we really enjoy doing so.
We love to create awesome software.
Software that really moves you forward. Software that you enjoy using. Software that you can get along with quickly. Software that gives you lots of possibilities. We are now very proud of our platform and we are far from finished developing.
We have a thing for continuous improvement.
We are always thinking about how to improve. And how we can help our clients improve. For us, it's more of a lifestyle than a job. Continuous improvement is the basis of sustainable growth. That works for us but also for our clients.

This is what our customers say about us

The reviews about us on Google are not just about how nice and useful our software is. Those reviews are mostly about the personal touch.

"ISO2HANDLE has helped us streamline our processes and improve the quality of our work; it has become an integral part of our daily work on privacy, quality and information security."

"With ISO2HANDLE, we have a tool that checks all the boxes on our checklist. The team helped us tremendously in keeping us on track, coming up with ideas for designing a process that allows traceability from farmer to buyer in the Netherlands."

"Good product and fast service. With this program you really can do (almost) everything! And when something is not possible, this is noted as feedback and you are helped with a workaround, or it is still implemented. If you just can't see the forest for the trees there is always an employee to help you quickly on your way."

"Finally a system that you can set up yourself completely as you wish, fitting your organization and taking work off your hands! The guidance on this from the people at ISO2HANDLE is very pleasant and the costs are relatively low! Highly recommended!"

"The system excels in ease of use. Want to create a form? Then just drag and drop all the individual elements underneath each other and your form is ready. Really super effective and easy to use!"

"We chose ISO2HANDLE because of its refreshing perspective on management systems, user-friendliness and look and feel. The user-friendly system ISO2HANDLE is used within our organization for the assurance of ISO 9001. We can always count on good help from ISO2HANDLE."

Our reason why

Why we do what we do.
Marc Abbink
Founder at ISO2HANDLE
We like to help our customers move forward.
We feel committed to every customer, who presents on our platform. After more than 750 onboardings, we also have a pretty good idea of how to help customers move forward. And we really enjoy doing so.
We love to create awesome software.
Software that really moves you forward. Software that you enjoy using. Software that you can get along with quickly. Software that gives you lots of possibilities. We are now very proud of our platform and we are far from finished developing.
We have a thing for continuous improvement.
We are always thinking about how to improve. And how we can help our clients improve. For us, it's more of a lifestyle than a job. Continuous improvement is the basis of sustainable growth. That works for us but also for our clients.

Integrate our software seamlessly with your favorite tools

More than 1200+ pre-built integrations

The best quality management software

The quality and risk management system that fits you like a glove! Discover the benefits and try it for yourself.

Use it easily on mobile

With the mobile version of ISO2HANDLE, you can access your data and dashboards anytime, anywhere. The mobile interface is user-friendly and optimized for a seamless experience. Handy for when you're on the go or on location.

Smooth Implementation

Once you have chosen ISO2HANDLE, the next question is "How to proceed. The answer is clear. We have now onboarded more than 800 customers and we know what it takes to make our solution land well. Read more about our implementation process here.

Collaborate easily

Your ISO2HANDLE environment helps you collaborate with your entire organization. You don't do quality management, continuous improvement and risk management alone. These are topics of the whole organization, so your system is there for the whole organization.

Super support

Do you have a special wish? Do you need us to help you get started? Don't have enough time to do something? Or just don't feel like it. We help you quickly and well, so that you can get on with it. Of course, there is also our extensive help center and our expert training courses. We do this together with you!

Data securely stored

At ISO2HANDLE, data security is a top priority. All data, whether backups, data-in-transit or data-at-rest, is highly encrypted. In addition, backups are stored redundantly in several European locations, each individually encrypted.