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Premium support with comprehensive customer service and 24/7 access to over 100+ articles and training courses
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Premium support with comprehensive customer service and 24/7 access to over 100+ articles and training courses
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Premium support with comprehensive customer service and 24/7 access to over 100+ articles and training courses
Trial account
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€189 /month*
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€284 /month*
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Type of users
Full users
A full user is a user who can see other people's tasks in addition to the documentation, forms and tasks available to that person. Often these are administrators and managers
on demand
Light users
A light user is a user who can see the documentation, forms and tasks available to this person. Tasks of others are not available. Often these are collaborators or viewers.
on demand
This is an account to give your external advisor access to the system as well
This is an account to give your auditor access for an audit. It can only read and not extract info from the system. That must be provided by the administrator.
User management
Create groups
Rights Management
Reading also on mobile
Version control
Status Management
Rights Management
Version history management
Files management
Uploading incl versioning
Rights Management
Reading also on mobile
Business processes
Drawing process flows
Linking process steps to forms or other data
Embed your processes with your procedures
Base of > 150 forms already in place
Create forms the way you want them
Create registration on any device including mobile
Print registrations
Use Excel export and import functions
QR codes on forms and registrations
Use video fields in your form
Drawing on images
Embed form in other application
Audit trail on registrations
Print QR codes directly via Altec printer
Automatic workflows
Send notifications according to your business flow
Create follow-up tasks automatically
Generate automatic escalations
Task Management
Overview page of all tasks in calendar form
Tasks split into upcoming, overdue and incomplete
Statistics view for insight into progression of tasks over time
Filter functions
Automatic monthly reporting with tasks to stakeholders
Advance tasks to your own Outlook or Google calendar
Use various wigdets (e.g. RSS and signable steps)
Flexible setup with your data
Create graphs of your records for your insight
Metatdata on steps
Metadata on users, forms and files
Metadata: Customize
API usage
* : Term of 1 year or more
What can I expect from the support?

At ISO2HANDLE, we are fully committed to providing you with a smooth and efficient experience with our software. Here's how we do that:

Comprehensive Help Center within the Application: Our help center is a treasure chest of information, with over 100+ detailed articles covering every aspect of ISO2HANDLE. These articles are directly accessible within the application itself, giving you immediate support and easy access to the right information at all times.

Online Training: We offer a range of online training courses, all focused on practical application. These trainings are designed to improve and apply your skills immediately. For a more personalized approach, we can provide in-company training upon request, specifically tailored to the needs of your organization.

Dedicated Customer Service: Our customer service team is dedicated to resolving any technical issue quickly and within agreed Service Level Agreement (SLA) times. We continuously listen to your requests and feedback, which helps us to continuously improve and adapt our software to your needs. With our fast and efficient support, you are guaranteed a hassle-free user experience.

At ISO2HANDLE, we strive to not only provide a software solution, but to be a partner in your success.

What can I expect from the onboarding process?

At ISO2HANDLE, we understand that every organization is unique, with its own specific needs and requirements. Therefore, we offer two flexible implementation options for smooth onboarding, allowing you to choose what best suits your situation:

Option 1 - Maximum Freedom and Flexibility:
This option is ideal for those who like to take the reins themselves. If you prefer complete freedom and flexibility in the implementation process, then this option is perfect. You get all the tools and resources you need to implement ISO2HANDLE as you see fit, while still having access to our support when you need it.

Option 2 - Complete Unburdening:
If you are busy or prefer us to take the lead, then this option is ideal. We will take over the entire implementation from you so you can focus on your core business. Our team will ensure a smooth and efficient implementation of ISO2HANDLE in your organization.

Do you have another idea? We are open to your suggestions and ideas. If none of these options fit your needs perfectly, we invite you to share your thoughts with us. We are flexible and happy to adapt our approach to meet your specific needs.

Is there a separate app for mobile?

ISO2HANDLE provides access via a dedicated web app for mobile devices, a streamlined alternative to traditional app store apps. The big advantage is instant synchronization: when you add a new form or field, it immediately becomes available in ISO2HANDLE's mobile web app. That way you always stay up-to-date, wherever you are.

Can I use my own corporate identity?

At ISO2HANDLE, we understand the importance of brand identity. That's why we offer the ability to integrate your own logo and backgrounds into the application, including a customizable login page that seamlessly matches your organizational branding. Furthermore, ISO2HANDLE is available as a white label platform, which means you can personalize the entire Management System with your own branding and naming. This includes everything from manuals, dashboards, templates, to visuals, including emails and notifications.

What are the differences in user roles?

Full user: A full user is a user who can see other people's tasks in addition to the documentation, forms and tasks available to this person. Often these are administrators and managers

‍Lightuser: A light user is a user who can see the documentation, forms and tasks available to this person. Tasks of others are not available. Often these are employees or viewers.

‍Consultants: This is an account to give your external consultant also access to the system

‍Auditors: This is an account to give your auditor access for an audit. It can only read and not extract info from the system. That has to be provided by the administrator.

What is the difference between light and full users?

Light users: These users have access to their own documentation, forms and tasks, but cannot view the tasks or documents of others. Light users are ideal for employees or viewers who focus on their own specific tasks and responsibilities.

Full users
: Full users, on the other hand, have extensive access rights. They can see and manage not only their own documentation, forms and tasks, but also those of other users. This makes the full user role suitable for administrators and managers who need to maintain an overview of the work of the entire team or organization.

Can I add geruikers at any time?

You can add new users to your account at any time. This is useful if your team is growing or if you want to give new employees access to the software. Just make sure the total number of users stays within your subscription limit.

Similarly, you can delete users when their access is no longer needed. This helps you keep your user list current and manageable.

Should you find that you need more users than your current subscription allows, you can upgrade your subscription at any time.

Can auditors get access?

Yes, the client can create a so-called auditor account and determine from when to when the auditor has access to which part of the platform. The auditor can thus view the necessary information in advance and ask questions about it so that one can efficiently and properly prepare for the audit.