How QR codes simplify your registrations
The situation...
Almost every company has assets that need to be checked, maintained and inspected. Consider the inspection of power tools, lifting and hoisting equipment, maintenance history of critical assets etc. etc.
Now many companies have recorded these resources in lists and possibly put them on a calendar when the inspection period is about to expire. But when and with which list should you now record the inspection, check or maintenance and where is that list again... What lessons can you draw from this data and how easily can you do it now?
The solution
Because the above sounds familiar to many people, ISO2HANDLE has something for this. Besides the fact that you can easily create nice forms along with various workflows that easily notify the person responsible for this with an email, we also have a QR code capability. With this the person in charge can easily access the QR code with his PC, phone or tablet with his camera and the correct registration comes up. No waste of time but instant registration and done!
And once you have your registrations on track, you can easily create beautiful graphs so you can see where you are doing well and where there is room for improvement. And of course you can then set out, follow up and monitor the actions for improvement on the same platform!
Want to know more?
Would you also like to learn more about how to create these types of processes easily on the ISO2HANDLE platform? Or do you have other questions about registrations and forms on processes within your company? Then contact us at: