Data security


Companies & organizations want to keep running at all times and software is an essential link in this. This is precisely why we as ISO2HANDLE find it important to guarantee this security of the use of our software.

Bossover your own data
Escrow4all has been providing progressive Escrow arrangements for over 20 years.

The most solid escrow

We guarantee continuity through an escrow arrangement with Escrow4all. Escrow4all has been providing advanced Escrow solutions for over 20 years and is the only ISO 27001 certified Escrow party in the Benelux. Escrow4all stands for personal contact and its relationship with customers is therefore very important. Many of Escrow4all's clients appreciate this. Some of these clients are: ING,, ABN Amro & Nmbrs. In 2021 Escrow4all received an NPS score of 38 after customer research. Why do we have a continuity arrangement. For the unlikely event that ISO2HANDLE can no longer meet its obligations, we chose to offer this arrangement out of duty of care to our customers. All of our customers have the option to participate in this arrangement.

Why the continuity plan?

When picking a cloud solution, it is important to consider how continuity will be ensured. This is independent of the company's financial position. For example, a claim for damages can simply bankrupt a healthy company.

Want to know more?

Want to know more about what exactly this Escrow arrangement entails? Please feel free to contact us.

  • Guaranteed continuity
  • Safeguard & control your own data
  • Insured against consequential damages
  • Low cost
  • 3 months of guaranteed continued operation in the event of an emergency
  • Insurance company critical processes